Friday, September 9, 2011

just to share ^__^

This pictures are not NEW but I think worth sharing. All pictures are mine, and  I'm NOT a model, geeez now  a  days everyone can do the same thing even your a model or not as long there is a privilage you can do it. well this happened because my cousin try using her new DSLR so here are the results :)

I'm not good at smiling while projecting so what my cousing told me is to look somewhere else then she will just caputure  it :))

This is my favorite shot  :))

and this ae my relatives favorite shot hehehe I don't know why ?_?

I actually also love this one :))

This is  as super duper stolen shot she caught me playing in the garden hahaha. I actually love it cause it's so natural of me. You can really see me playing all the time hahaha :))

So  to wrap it all up. bye for now guys see you again soon :))


I am very happy to hear anythingn from you feel free to comment ^_^